Diseases do not arise from being “broken”.

Inflammation is something that must be controlled.

Sometimes sluggish states just upset us. They don’t interfere much with life, but they don’t add confidence either, they last for years and are often scored on them. Therefore, as an integrative specialist, I am a supporter of a normal, adequate approach, preventive steps and a regular check-in.

Nutrition directly affects the microbiome, the gut microbiota affects immunity and health status. Different bacteria feed on different substrates. Diet changes the microbiome, the prevalence of fatty and sugary foods over the past 80 years has already changed the human microbiome. At present, “out of the blue” we get an increase in epidemics of chronic diseases in developed countries, including obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune diseases many times more often than before.

The vicious cycle of “deterioration of the diet – disruption of the microbiota – gut dysbiosis – inflammation – decreased absorption and energy production – chronic fatigue – deterioration of the diet.” You can always start with food. And not “go on a diet”, become a healthy person, earn a RPP, being afraid of “bad” and “good” foods, but simply adequately look at what you eat.

Unlike short-term inflammation, which can sometimes protect the body, chronic inflammation has serious consequences. It can go unnoticed for years and contribute to most of the leading causes of death, these are:

  • Heart diseases
  • Oncology
  • Diabetes
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • kidney disease
  • Chronic lower respiratory disease
  • VZK

Therefore, I will give some sure steps to help keep systemic inflammation under control and reduce:

1 – elimination of omega-6 fats and precursors. Linoleic acid, a precursor of arachidonic acid, is the start of the inflammatory cascade, which is abundant in modern food and in the local habits of Eastern Europe (sunflower oils, refined sunflower oils, margarines). Corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil, refined and margarines – and everything else is packaged and ready, what oils are there, on what they cooked – stop list.

2 – glycemic index and glycemic load. Especially sugars and refined grains. I am writing about them for the first time, by the way, and not in the vein of “weight loss” or fluctuations in blood sugar, but in terms of the inflammatory effect. Cakes, ice cream, permanent mashed potatoes, white rice, white bread, granolas and generally refined cereals, including couscous, bulgur. Sarah, honey, dried fruits. Milk, cream, sour milk, cottage cheese, cheeses, especially soft and processed.

3 – sedentary lifestyle. Skeletal muscle activity releases cytokines and myokines into the blood and reduces inflammation. Every day, a 30-minute walk with an active step is a prerequisite, if possible, add a power load or yoga / stretching.

4 – fish and sea food, eggs and vegan sources like pumpkin seeds, legumes, almonds more often than meat and poultry.

5 – do not let go without the recommendation of supplements, therefore:

Curcumin, an inhibitor of pro-inflammatory cytokines, reduces interleukins 1,6. 1 g per day. With bioperine, the availability is better. In food – turmeric + ginger + peppers (Ayurveda is a mix of trikatu, three peppers, sometimes with the addition of pippali). Do not drink to those who are delose deficient, it chelates iron.

Quercetin + Bromelain + Papain. With enzymes better bioavailability. It inhibits acharidone and works with mast cells (whoever reacts to coffee, red wine, citruses is up to you). In food, quercetin is capers, green onions, peppers, leaf garlic, whole cocoa, cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, asparagus, cherries, dark unsweetened apples (peel), broccoli, high-quality green tea.

Flavonoids. It is enough to eat just darkly colored food: red and purple vegetables and berries (beets, blueberries, lingonberries, viburnum, blackcurrants, blackberries (including frozen), mulberries, black grapes, red wine, high-quality teas, citrus peels, celery, parsley, oregano, onion, garlic, ginger, broccoli, all dark leaves, all bitter herbs, fermented soy.

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