Every year, the same.

The eternal dilemma of getting that flattering tan and at the same time taking care of the skin, which later, for what it lasts, never pays off.

With age, the ravages of the sun become more visible and, despite the fact that my fair skin has forced me to protect myself well from the sun all my life, I admit that I miss that “sun kissed” effect with which we used to go back to home after a day at the beach when we were younger.

So I return, one more summer, to combine a little time in the sun with self-tanners that, in this case, being gradual, I dose every day and adjust the tone.

My discovery this year has been JAMES READ, Click & Glow Body Tan Drops.

James Read Gradual Self Tan


As if it were a “giant pen” I’m going to confess that it took me 3 days to figure out how to open it to get the product… it turns out that you have to turn the bottom part and not the top part, as is usually the case (or at least for my generation).

Well, once the problem was solved and the embarrassment of having to write to the brand because it was not capable was overcome, I tried it and, as I imagined, the crush was instantaneous.

James Read Gradual Self Tan

You put a few drops in the palm of your hand, mix with the cream (in my case I apply it at night) and that’s it.

I’m going to confess that I’ve also tried it without mixing and it looks great, although you have to take great care in the application to avoid stains.


Mixed with the cream it is well absorbed, it does not leave streaks and the color is a beautiful gold and BEWARE: it does not smell like self-tanner, which is appreciated.

In addition to tanning, it has aloe vera, vitamins C and E, hyaluronic acid and goji berries, so that’s why it should brighten the skin so much and make it so beautiful.

James Read Gradual Self Tan

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