Red Thai curry with shrimps

The basic recipe for red Thai curry is easy to adapt: ​​for a vegetarian dish, leave out the prawns and vary the level of spiciness. Cooked rice goes well as a side dish.

Red Thai curry with vegetables, shrimps and rice

Ingredients for Red Thai Curry with Shrimp

The main ingredient, red curry paste , provides the aromatic seasoning for the Thai dish and is medium hot. You can vary it as you wish by using the yellow, milder, or the green, which is hotter.

You need other characteristic ingredients for the original Thai curry:

  • Coconut milk for pouring over the curry brings exoticism to the creamy, spicy sauce.
  • Shrimps , you can easily use frozen ones if you don’t have a fishmonger around the corner. Just remember to defrost them in time.
  • Fresh vegetables such as peppers , sugar snap peas and spring onions provide a crunchy, healthy bite and color in the (wok) pan.
  • Fish sauce is a popular ingredient in Thai cuisine and enhances almost every dish.
  • Lemongrass brings freshness and exotic aroma. If you only get one bunch, you can simply freeze the remaining stalks.

Ingredients for Red Thai Curry with Shrimp

5 simple tips for making red Thai curry

A Thai curry is really quick to make and is also suitable for novice cooks.

  1. The vegetables should be cleaned and chopped. 
  2. If you have a wok pan, use that.
  3. I prefer to cook rice as a side dish. Jasmine rice, or fragrant rice, goes really well with the coconut milk sauce.
  4. Be careful with the spiciness of the red curry paste: start with 1 tablespoon and work your way up. You can always add more seasoning.
  5. I only add the lemongrass to the dish towards the end of the cooking process, then the aroma is perfectly balanced for my taste.

Red Thai curry with shrimps and rice


Why it is always worth making the curry yourself

There are an incredible number of Thai curry recipes. However, the original from Thailand is my personal benchmark. My authentic recipe is very close to the original in terms of its flavor!

It is also worth cooking because

  • it is a quick dish that can be on the table in 35 minutes .
  • Red Thai curry is healthy, delicious and with rice a complete meal
  • It can be prepared and reheated without stress.
  • you can get all the ingredients all year round in a well-stocked supermarket. You don’t have to plan a shopping trip to the Asian store.
  • The recipe is also a great idea if you have a lot of vegetables left in the fridge . Peppers, zucchini, eggplant, broccoli,
  • The quantity can easily be multiplied if you want to cook for many guests.

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