7 tips: Get a healthy tan without damaging your skin

The scent of summer is in the air as we relax on the deck chair to enjoy the warm rays of sunshine on our skin.

But skin protection often falls by the wayside: The sun’s UV rays may provide a tan, but harmful UV rays can also cause long-term skin damage.

First of all, it is important to understand why careful sun exposure is necessary and the risks of excessive exposure.

On the one hand, our body needs sunlight to produce vital vitamin D. On the other hand, too intense UV radiation can lead to skin aging, sunburn and, in the worst case, even skin cancer.

To get the most out of your sunbathing while protecting your skin, we have compiled valuable suggestions from specialists.

Why is it important to protect your skin from sun damage?

Too much sun exposure can cause skin damage, including sunburn, premature skin aging and even skin cancer.

Risks of too much sun exposure

Excessive sun exposure poses significant risks to skin health and should be avoided at all costs. Repeated sunburns in particular can increase the risk of various forms of skin cancer, such as melanoma.

In addition to skin cancer, there are other risks of intense sun exposure, namely sun allergies, eye damage and a weakened immune system. It is important to be aware that while an attractive tan may be achieved in the short term, in the long term the health of the skin is at risk.

Preparing for the sun

There are two very simple and effective tips to prepare for summer.

Sea buckthorn treatment

Every spring, take a sea buckthorn treatment. You swallow about 1 tablespoon of the best organic quality sea buckthorn pulp oil every day. Do this for 4 weeks. It is up to you what time of day you take the sea buckthorn oil and whether you swallow it pure or stir it into muesli. The carotenoids contained in sea buckthorn oil support your own sun protection and help you achieve a good complexion. Carotenoids also neutralize free radicals, they have an anti-cancer effect due to their provitamin A activity and they also have a positive effect on the immune system.

Slowly get your skin used to the sun

Start sunbathing for a short time in spring. Consciously enjoy the wonderful feeling of the sun tickling your skin for a few minutes. But under no circumstances should your skin become red. That would be a clear sign that your skin has been exposed to the sun for too long.

Effects on skin health

The effects of UV radiation on skin health should not be underestimated. Too much sun can lead to various skin damages, such as sunburn, premature skin aging and, in the long term, even skin cancer.

Healthy and radiant skin is a sign of vitality and well-being. To keep the skin healthy, it is important to protect it from the possible damage caused by sun rays.

In fact, some natural home remedies, such as eating carrots and carrot juice or tomatoes and red fruits  , can help you get a healthy tan faster. These remedies contain important antioxidants that help reduce oxidative stress in the skin while stimulating the body’s own melanin production.

A healthy tan can also be achieved in the shade . If you are out in the summer sun, it is advisable to regularly apply a good sun cream or sun lotion with the right sun protection factor. When choosing sunscreen, make sure it contains natural ingredients and, in the case of chemical filters, harmless substances.

7 tips for healthy tanning

From preparation to aftercare: Here are seven simple tips for a healthy tan – for everyone who wants to get through the summer without skin damage.

1. Preparing for a gentle summer tan

Proper preparation before sun exposure is crucial to achieving a healthy tan while protecting your skin from potential damage.

thorough cleansing and gentle exfoliation of your skin removes dead skin cells and enables an even tan that lasts longer. Brushing dry skin before showering is also highly recommended because it stimulates circulation and makes the skin much smoother.

In addition, you should provide your skin with sufficient moisture in the weeks before sunbathing by applying a moisturizing body lotion or cream. This body lotion should definitely contain organic plant oils and, ideally, plant water, such as rose water. Products that contain mineral oil and silicones are not recommended. You can identify these questionable ingredients on the ingredients list as Paraffinum Liquidum or Dimethicone.

Well -hydrated skin is more resistant to UV radiation and therefore better protected against sunburn and premature skin aging. Using a suitable sunscreen with the right sun protection factor is also essential to optimally protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

2. Use the natural shade

It is important to protect the skin from the negative effects of the sun in order to tan healthily. One way to do this is to take advantage of natural shade.

While shade does not completely protect against UV rays, it can reduce the risk of sunburn and skin damage. When spending time outdoors, look for places with natural shade, such as under trees or gazebos.

Wear a nice sun hat and sunglasses . Not only does it look good, it also offers protection from the sun’s intense rays.

3. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water

It is important to drink enough water and fluids to tan healthily. Dehydration can set in quickly when we are in the sun, which can lead to fatigue, headaches and dizziness.

To avoid this, always carry a bottle of water or another beverage with you and drink regularly. A good guideline is to take a few sips every 15-20 minutes.

If you sweat a lot or exercise, you need to drink even more. Drinking enough water and fluids also helps hydrate the skin and protect it from sunburn.

Along with other simple tips like using sunscreen and avoiding too much sun exposure, drinking plenty of fluids is an easy way to protect your skin from the damaging effects of a beautiful summer day outdoors.

Another advantage is that you also keep your water balance in balance – something that is particularly important for the entire organism in the hot summer months.

4. Nutrition

A healthy and balanced diet can help your skin tan faster while staying healthy. There are certain foods that are rich in carotenoids that can help you achieve a natural tan.

These include carrots, tomatoes, peppers and green vegetables. These foods contain antioxidants and beta-carotenes, which fight free radicals and can help protect the body from harmful UV rays.

It is also important to avoid a deficiency in certain nutrients, such as vitamin D. This vitamin is important for skin regeneration and stimulates the production of melanin.

5. Natural tanning enhancers

There are several natural tan enhancers that can help you achieve a healthy and long-lasting tan. For example, carrots and carrot juice are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body and helps the skin produce melanin.

Green tea can also help protect the skin from UV rays and enhance the tan. Coconut oil contains natural fatty acids that make the skin smooth and supple and can help the tan last longer. We therefore recommend using a high-quality aftersun body oil with coconut and hemp oil in the evening to provide the skin with optimal care.

However, to get a healthy tan, it is important to use these natural tanning enhancers in combination with the other tips.

6. Avoid sunburn

It is crucial to avoid sunburn! Enjoy your sunbathing sensibly and with moderation so that you can get a healthy tan. Sunburn is not only painful, sunburn can even cause serious skin damage.

To avoid sunburn, it is important to apply a suitable sun protection factor and to apply sunscreen regularly. Avoiding the midday sun is also particularly advisable if you do not want to risk sunburn.

Because most of us like to sunbathe a little, we should slowly get our skin used to the sun and give it breaks to recover from sunbathing. It is also important to pay attention to the best-before date of sunscreen and to dispose of old, expired sunscreen. Apply your sunscreen 15-30 minutes before sunbathing.

7. Aftercare after sun exposure

After you have finished your time in the sun, it is important that you take good care of your skin.

When showering, be sure to use a sulfate-free shower and hair shampoo to avoid unnecessary skin irritation. A look at the product’s ingredients list will tell you immediately whether it contains sodium laureth sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium coco sulfate. They are usually in second or third place on the list.

With its wonderful summer scent, it has a soothing and slightly cooling effect. The body oil contains luxurious plant essences without artificial preservatives , making it a natural choice for skin care.

The unique formula of this aftersun body oil contains valuable, fresh plant oils that specifically address the needs of the skin. Coconut oil provides a pleasant cooling effect, while hemp oil supports cell formation and jojoba oil provides plenty of moisture.

Sesame oil and St. John’s wort macerate nourish and soothe the skin, while the essential oils of mint and lavender soothe and exude a delicate yet enticing summer scent.

Using the body oil is easy:

  1. a small amount of oil is applied to wet skin
  2. Now it is gently massaged in
  3. The oil is quickly absorbed and leaves skin velvety soft and delicately scented, without leaving behind an annoying oily film.

With its effective and natural formula, our aftersun body oil offers optimal care for the skin, and not just after sunbathing. It soothes, nourishes and regenerates the skin effectively and gives you a wonderfully velvety skin feeling.

Natural home remedies for quick and natural tanning

There are various natural home remedies for faster and natural tanning that are healthy alternatives to tanning powders and melanin tablets.

Carrots and carrot juice

Carrots and carrot juice are natural home remedies that can help speed up the tanning process. They contain beta-carotene, which helps promote a healthy complexion and protects the skin from sun damage.

Beta-carotene is converted by the body into vitamin A, which helps regulate cell metabolism and cell regeneration. Drinking carrot juice regularly or eating raw carrots along with a little olive oil can result in a natural tan.

However, this process requires patience and should not be seen as a quick solution for a deep tan.

Green tea

Green tea is a natural home remedy known for its positive health effects. It contains antioxidants that are believed to help prevent cancer and protect the heart.

But did you know that green tea can be used for natural tanning? The antioxidants it contains can help you achieve a healthy tan without exposing your skin to harmful sun rays.

Green tea can be used as a supplement to sunscreen to maintain healthy and glowing skin.

Coconut oil

Although coconut oil has a natural but relatively low sun protection against UVB rays, it is not suitable as a sole sunscreen because coconut oil does not offer protection against the harmful UVA rays. Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids and is a great home remedy for providing the skin with the moisture it needs after sunbathing.

The oil also supports melanin production, which helps the skin tan faster and stay tan longer. Coconut oil can be applied in small amounts directly to wet skin and massaged in. High-quality plant oil blends, such as the bluvion aftersun body oil, are also recommended to give the skin all the nutrients and moisture it needs.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a wonderful home remedy for naturally moisturizing the skin. Aloe vera has a calming effect and supports the regeneration of the skin. This makes it particularly advisable to pamper the skin with aloe vera after sunbathing. A high-quality gel from the aloe vera plant contains many vitamins and minerals and has a calming effect on the skin.

So if you are looking for a natural care product for your skin to provide additional care after sun exposure , you should definitely look for products containing aloe vera.

If you want to use fresh aloe vera straight from the plant, you should find out as much as you can about how to harvest and use the leaves before using the transparent part of the plant to gently care for your skin. Juices are produced at the cut site that can irritate the skin. Therefore, great care and appropriate knowledge are a prerequisite for a skin-friendly application.

According to clinical studies, aloe vera is effective in treating inflammatory skin diseases, wounds and burns.

Sunscreen for sensitive skin

In general, but especially for sensitive skin, sunscreens with skin-friendly ingredients and without harmful chemical sunscreens should be preferred to avoid damage and irritation.

Choose the right sun protection factor

It is important to choose the right sun protection factor (SPF) to protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays. The SPF indicates how much longer you can stay in the sun without getting sunburned than without sun protection. Do not stay in the sun for too long, especially not in the blazing midday sun.

For sensitive skin, a higher SPF should be chosen. Enjoy sunbathing in the morning or late afternoon, but do not extend it for too long.

To determine the right SPF, you should also consider your skin type. Depending on your skin type, the skin’s own protection varies, which means that some people are more at risk of sunburn than others.

Use high-quality sunscreen

When choosing your sunscreen product, pay attention to the ingredients. It is worth finding out in advance which brands produce recommended sunscreens and which you should avoid. Especially if you have sensitive skin, you should avoid sunscreen products with questionable ingredients.

Also make sure that the sunscreen is easy to spread and apply. The smell also plays a big role and contributes to a feeling of well-being.

Natural alternatives or useful additional sun protection are sun hats or clothing with UV protection. Such swim shirts can also offer good protection, especially during long snorkeling trips and water games in the sea.

Natural ingredients in sunscreens

Natural ingredients in sunscreen are a great way to protect your skin from harmful UV rays without the use of synthetic ingredients.

For example, zinc oxide can be an effective natural sunscreen when applied directly to the skin. Shea butter and coconut oil are also popular ingredients in natural sunscreens because they are moisturizing for the skin and are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and fatty acids.

However, it is essential to ensure that there is adequate protection against both UVA and UVB rays.

Use of sunscreen

When it comes to healthy tanning, proper sunscreen application is crucial. It is important to choose the right sun protection factor (SPF) for your skin type to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

It is also important to apply sunscreen regularly and carefully. Sunscreen must be reapplied after swimming or sweating. Remember that sunscreen not only protects against harmful UV rays and sunburn, but can also help you develop a decent, healthy tan more quickly.

Frequently asked questions about healthy tanning

  • Can I get a tan even with sunscreen?
  • How can I care for my skin after sun exposure?
  • How can I protect scars and moles?

Find answers to frequently asked questions about healthy tanning in this section! Read on to protect your skin and get a radiant tan!

Can I get a tan even with sunscreen?

Yes, it is of course possible to get a tan if you use sunscreen. In fact, you can even get an attractive tan in a healthy way by choosing a sun protection factor of, for example, 30 and thus protecting your skin from too intense sun exposure.

Sunscreens do not prevent tanning, but rather protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays, thereby reducing the risk of skin cancer and other skin damage.

Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection and apply it carefully and regularly, especially if you spend long periods of time in the sun.

How can I care for my skin after sun exposure?

After a long day in the sun, it is important to take good care of your skin to prevent irritation and dryness. To repair any minor damage that may have occurred and restore healthy skin function , you should use a gentle, sulfate-free shower gel and a high-quality after-sun care product.

These products not only help to restore moisture to the skin, they can also soothe redness and minor irritations. If you are sunburnt and in pain, cooling compresses and good skin care after sun exposure can provide relief. Skin care oils with coconut and hemp oil, St. John’s wort and jojoba oil, lavender and sea buckthorn are particularly recommended.

How can I protect scars and moles?

Scars and moles are more susceptible to skin damage from sun exposure than healthy skin. It is important to take special care to protect these areas of the skin to minimize the risk of skin cancer and other skin diseases.

To protect scars and moles, you should use a high sun protection factor and avoid exposing these areas directly to the sun. A good option here is to wear light summer clothing made of natural fibers such as cotton or linen and a wide-brimmed hat. A parasol also reduces sun exposure and protects sensitive skin areas.

It is also important to have your moles checked regularly by a dermatologist to make sure they do not show signs of skin cancer or other skin conditions.

If you have any concerns or notice any changes in your moles, be sure to seek medical attention.


Overall, there are good ways to get a decent tan while protecting your skin. By taking the right preparations before sun exposure, using natural home remedies, choosing good sunscreens for sensitive skin , and nourishing your skin with natural oils after sun exposure, you can achieve a healthy tan without skin damage.

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