I’ve had a look this summer already, and I’m already thinking about next summer’s cottage trips and other things to do. I’m probably not the only one! In May, I even follow the weather reports every day, and I wonder that because it’s the first time you get it on, it’s because for me, that’s where summer really starts. Here are some pictures of my May put together. I hope you have had a wonderful spring too!



I’ve been trying to pay more attention to clothing materials , so now for the summer I’ve been hunting for clothes made especially from linen and cotton. Zara joined in white and black linen shirts, which can be combined into many outfits now that the air is starting to warm up.



On the hall trip, the magnificent cherry blossom tree of Ruttopuisto was spotted . There was only one tree, and there were several photographers in it, but I still got a picture of a cherry blossom every spring.



I like to do chores, especially in cafes , because at home it is not always possible to concentrate with cats. I started a new dun a while ago, which is a nice thing, but that’s why this spring has been a bit busier than usual.

Evening walks outside are a wonderful recovery from stress , and at the same time we have been able to follow the progress of the spring. The miracle that brought the swan just decided to come to the beach for a swim, otherwise the picture would have been missed.



The terrace season has finally begun! On Holy Thursday, we got out for breakfast for the first time.

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